Interact-TV, Incorporated
 (OTC: ITVI) Interact-TV is a multifaceted multi-media development company. Interact-TV, through subsidiaries such as Viscount Media Trust, Pocket Kid Records, and Blue Mask records has already entered into the record production and distribution market, and is currently developing its film and radio digital production and broadcasting platforms. Software development and distribution for the video game industry, book publishing and distribution, as well as pursuing the development and acquisition of other multi media projects and companies are part of our business plan for the future.

POCKET KIDS RECORDS! (Distributed by InGrooves Fontana) – First release “Dead Sara: Dead Sara” was released in April 2012, and Second release “Pleasure To Meet You” was released on March 31, 2015). See what they are saying about DEAD SARA, our first signed band HERE. You can Buy Records HERE. If you like Rock Music, Listen To Our new Pocket Kid Radio Channel for 24/7 rock music HERE.

Visit our new 24/7  Internet TV Web Channel Main Channel
Visit our new 24/7 Internet Radio Channel Main Channel
Or Listen to TVs Precursor Old Time Radio Series
Vist our new “Pop” Record Label Blue Mask Records

Interact-TV, Incorporated had previously been involved in the development of innovative software and products for the Home Entertainment Server market. If you are looking for Interact-TV products and Services go to:

(Notice: Interact-TV, Inc.  is no longer selling or servicing Telly Home Entertainment Servers. However,  Interact-TV will still be developing innovative new products for the television and home network such as the TellyMinder)
